Tuesday 26 January 2016

Heresy 22


"There is no need to be concerned," Administrator Stonot tells me, in a pleasant voice that just naturally makes me want to believe him.

We are standing on the open terrace behind the colony's main administrative building, looking out on an idyllic scene, rolling green hills illuminated by golden late afternoon sunlight, a cool breeze whispering around us as we stroll. Sigma Puppis is a K-type subgiant, its light is always a golden glow. Its inner planets are desolate chunks of rock, but this seventh world in a densely populated system... is a jewel of a class M environment, controlled, preserved and carefully maintained by the Vulcan colonists.

In other circumstances, I'd enjoy it. But we made the journey from Earth in a little over three days, red-lining the subtranswarp drive most of the way, and my eyes feel gritty from lack of sleep, and Stonot is just such a complete politician that his very good-naturedness grates on my nerves. He's medium-tall, middle-aged, a very picture of conservative moderation from his plain, close-cropped hair, through his simple robes, down to the very ordinary shoes on his feet. This is not someone who commits the vulgarity of being in charge; this is a very ordinary person, a skilled technician whose trade just happens to be that of public administration. He is so reasonable, he makes me want to spit.

Or maybe I'm just tired.

"Starfleet is naturally... curious," I say, "to know what ramifications your decision might have. I've been tasked with... making sure that we have a clear picture."

"That is reasonable," says Stonot. "But I am sure you have no grounds for concern. We have decided, after representations from our Romulan brethren, and the personal visit of the Hegemons Stiak and Valikra, to adopt, formally, the intention to become a part of the resurgent Hegemony. I should perhaps emphasize the word formally, there, as it is a pure formality - at this time."

"At this time?"

"Later, as events within the Romulan region of the Hegemony... resolve themselves... it may become more. The intention, as you are doubtless aware, is to build a reunified Vulcan and Romulan nation. This will not be accomplished without upheavals on the Romulan side. We hope, though, to have all the necessary - social and political machinery - in place on the Vulcan side, so that the transition to a unified entity will proceed smoothly when the time comes."

I nod. Put that way, it seems almost reasonable. But Stonot evidently has a gift for appearing reasonable. "What about the Federation, though? I mean, how do you see your relations with the Federation... working, with this new arrangement?"

"I envisage no functional change in our relationship with the Federation as a whole. We have merely taken on an additional - membership, as it were. Recent developments in Federation politics make that an entirely acceptable, indeed a normal, state of affairs. President Okeg's dual-citizenship programme is a laudable one, in my opinion, extending the benefits of Federation citizenship to members of other political entities. A great many persons have taken advantage of it, to the benefit both of themselves and of the Federation. I observed that your staff includes a Ferengi officer."

"True," I say. "The President's goal... as I understand it... is to broaden access to the privileges and - and the ideals, I guess, of the Federation." I turn to look directly at Stonot. "I'm not in a position to make any decisions about your planet's legal status. That sort of stuff is way above my pay grade. I'm just here to make sure Starfleet has all the facts."

"And, perhaps, to wave the Federation flag, a little?" Stonot says. "It has not escaped notice that the ship sent on this fact-finding mission is an Andorian warship."

"It's - my ship was just the fastest that was available. There's no, umm, implication involved."

"I accept that explanation. Some of us are, however, concerned that Starfleet is showing a - how best can I put it? - an unseemly interest, perhaps, in the internal politics of our world."

"We're not here to interfere, sir. But if your political stance draws you in to the conflicts within the Romulan state, Starfleet's task would be to defend you."

"I see. We consider such an eventuality a remote one. We estimate a 97.6% probability that the Romulan Imperial state will not provoke further enmity by attacking a Federation world - and I assure you, we do intend to remain a Federation world. The probability of attack from some other quarter, such as the Romulan Republic, is so low as to be negligible."

I shake my head. "I hope you're right, sir. But your estimates seem to depend on the Imperial Romulans acting reasonably...."

"Is there any reason to expect that they should not? Our Romulan brethren have the same capacity for logic and intellect as ourselves."

"They might not use it, sir. If they become desperate enough, or angry enough, they may act unpredictably. And sometimes it only takes one starship commander to lose their head -"

"We understand this. We have allowed for it in our estimates."

I look out over those verdant rolling hills again. It is hard to imagine war coming to this idyllic setting. And Stonot is so very reasonable.... But I know all too well, all it takes is someone who's not reasonable, and peace shatters like ice in summer. "I hope you're right, sir. Is there a statement you want me to take back to my superiors?"


Spirits of Earth coasts in a low-energy escape orbit, spiralling out of Sigma Puppis VII's gravity well. I lean back in my command chair, and think about closing my eyes. But I have a terrible feeling that, if I do that, I won't open them again for a week.

"Sensor contact," Anthi reports, and I make myself wake up. "Consistent with Romulan Scimitar... getting an ID now." She raises her eyebrows, showing more emotion than I've seen from her in a long while. "It's the Raven's Heart... the HBW Raven's Heart now, it seems."

"Incoming hail, skipper," says F'hon Tlaxx.

"On screen." Valikra? What does she want now?

The face on the screen isn't Valikra's, though; it's a thin-featured Romulan male, with brooding eyes and a sour look about him. "Federation vessel. I am Admiral D'Kalius of the Hegemonic Navy."

"What happened to Valikra?" I ask.

D'Kalius narrows his eyes at me. "The Hegemon is well. She directs the war effort against the Imperial recalcitrants. I now command this vessel. You speak of the Hegemon as one who knows her."

"We've met," I say. "On Chara V."

"Ah. You are Vice Admiral Shohl. If you know the Hegemon, you understand that she will brook no opposition to her projects. I sincerely trust that you propose to offer none."

I can feel my antennae twitching. Am I being threatened, here, in Federation space? I'm certain I'm being baited.... So, Tylha, I tell myself, take a deep breath, don't rise to it. "At the moment, we're just concerned with gathering information for Starfleet Command."

"And I gather the local administration has been more than helpful in that respect," says D'Kalius. "You may, therefore, now depart for Federation space."

Oho, I think to myself, this one is spoiling for a fight. "That should prove a short trip," I say, "given that we're already in Federation space - you can confirm that with the local administration, I'm sure. However... it is my intention, just now, to depart for another part of Federation space. I have to make my report to Starfleet, and - well, we'll see what steps Starfleet Command decides to take."

"I see," D'Kalius says, slowly. "Well, Vice Admiral... I will not detain you further. A safe journey to you."

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