Saturday 6 October 2018

Deep Gate: Introduction

And off I went on another tangent here, with a more-or-less self-contained storyline that doesn't reference much either in-game or in my own continuity.

After Kalevar Thrang and his relatively straightforward villainy, I decided to try something a bit different, with a primary antagonist who genuinely, sincerely, wants the best for everyone.  And has not the slightest compunction about deciding what "the best" means.  As a mulish sort of person myself, speaking personally, I'd rather have Kalevar Thrang.  At least you know where you are with a power-mad dictator.

One recurring character turns up - M'eioi, who I don't use often enough - and two new ones.  By this stage, I'd been through every option in the game's character selection setup bar two; playing as a Joined Trill, and playing as a Federation-aligned Klingon.  So, I followed up those options, and the results were Carayl Quon and Surella.  Also, I decided to abandon the "everyone's an admiral" thing... so, Carayl is an independent privateer captain (taking full and unfair advantage of her position - my view of the Joined Trills as a sort of Freemasonry is mine alone, but I can't see how they could reasonably avoid having a social network like that, over time), while Surella is a Starfleet Captain facing off against the worst enemy that can afflict a Starfleet Captain: Starfleet bureaucracy.

All this and zero-mass black holes, too.  Now read on....

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