Sunday 24 January 2016

Fallout 8

The Yann-Isleth, the Chancellor's personal guard, gleaming in their parade armour, stood rigid at present arms in two ranks all down the length of the Great Hall. Between them walked a slight figure in brown robes, the sound of his footsteps the loudest noise in the hall, as he approached the steps where the Chancellor stood.

Grim-faced, J'mpok descended the steps to greet his visitor.

"Proconsul D'Tan. Welcome."

The Romulan bowed, gravely. "Thank you, Chancellor. You know why I am here."

J'mpok nodded brusquely. "Say what must be said."

"I have been asked, as the representative of a neutral power, to communicate a protest from the Federation Council regarding the destruction of the planet Bercera IV." D'Tan spoke in quiet, measured tones. "President Okeg wishes to condemn, in the most unequivocal terms, this deployment of weapons of mass destruction against civilians. He expresses his gravest concern regarding this new development in the war, he deplores the wanton devastation of a class M environment, and he warns you that Starfleet will now operate without restrictions to counter this form of warfare.

"President Okeg retains, however, even in the face of this enormity, the hope and desire for peace. To this end, he wishes to arrange a summit conference between the highest ranking representatives of both Federation and Empire, to be held at the earliest convenience for both sides. He suggests the planet Khitomer as an appropriate venue.

"President Okeg wishes, however, to have concrete assurances that the Empire has decisively turned away from this path of reckless destruction. These assurances should take the form of strategic military and economic concessions on the Empire's part." A murmuring began to arise among the Klingon notables inside the great hall, packed in behind the ranks of guards. D'Tan tapped at his wrist communicator. "I am now transmitting the Federation's suggestions for concessions along your secure diplomatic channel. In brief, President Okeg requires the release from Imperial governance of the Thidasian, Yll-Torican and Valtothi species, the withdrawal of the Klingon Defense Force from Sigma Capricornii, Tiafa, Zeta Comae and the Dialosa Corridor, the abandonment of military bases at Tol Mogra, Aznetkur and Dasus Prime -"

The murmuring became a roar of disapproval. J'mpok raised his head and raked the audience with a glare of fury. "We will hear the Proconsul!" he shouted. Silence fell, abruptly.

"And a moratorium on unauthorized privateering actions such as commerce raids in the Pi Canis sectors," D'Tan concluded, unruffled. "That completes the message from President Okeg and the Federation Council. I would, however, like to speak on my own behalf. Chancellor - why have you done this thing?"

"Would you believe that I have not? That this was the rogue atrocity of a lone captain, acting far beyond his authorization?"

"The Federation is unlikely to accept that. And you and I both know, Chancellor, that we bear ultimate responsibility for the acts of our subordinates. Command responsibility - a doctrine also familiar to the Federation."

"I know." J'mpok seemed to shrink inside his robes. "We must accept the responsibility. And we know that there must be a price to pay. The Federation demands much, though."

"You know that I will convey your reply back to the Federation Council. Faithfully, as I have brought their words to you."

"The High Council will meet and formulate a response within the next two days. In the meantime, Proconsul... I would speak with you. Privately."

D'Tan bowed. "I would be honoured, Chancellor."


The door closed on the Chancellor's private office, an austere room buried deep in the bowels of the Great Hall. J'mpok subsided into a chair behind a desk, his shoulders hunched, his face dour. D'Tan took a seat opposite, and for a time neither man spoke.

D'Tan broke the silence. "What happened?" he asked, almost kindly.

J'mpok snarled. "A plot," he spat, "a conspiracy of some kind. I do not yet know the details, but I am certain there is a plot."

D'Tan nodded. "The act did seem... out of character." He sighed. "We have accomplished so much, on Mol'Rihan, with the aid of both your people and the Federation. And the truce has held - for the most part - across Tau Dewa. I had hoped, personally, that the peace might spread."

J'mpok merely grunted.

"My people are under orders to prevent clashes between Starfleet and KDF units," D'Tan added. "We were only just learning to cooperate and trust you... now we must watch you closely again. The Federation is angry, J'mpok. I wonder if even you realize just how angry."

"I have never underestimated the Federation," J'mpok said. "Let me tell you something, D'Tan. I fear the Federation. I fear the way it spreads, it subsumes -"

"Their non-interference directive -"

"Is window dressing! If they do not interfere with cultural development, how is it that every Federation world looks the same? I fear, one day, we will awaken, and find the Federation has swallowed us all. That our biological and technological distinctiveness has been added to their own... and resistance was futile."

"There," said D'Tan softly, "you touch on a real threat. There are powers out there who would consume all our peoples while we squabble...."

"The Borg," said J'mpok, "and the undeclared war with the Iconians and their tools, and our... difficulties... with the Fek'lhri. Oh, I know, I know, there are worse enemies out there than the Federation... looked at objectively." He snorted. "I am an old warrior and a Klingon. Objectivity I leave to the Vulcans."

"You know that I aspire to reunification with the Vulcans," D'Tan said, "to the healing of the Sundering between their people and mine. If that is ever to happen... it will mean changes, on both sides. Vulcans and Romulans will need to become... something new. We cannot fear change. It is bound to come upon us."

J'mpok remained silent for a minute or so. "Turning to practicalities," he said, eventually.


"Aennik Okeg is an honourless serpent, but he is not a fool. He knows he asks more than we will give. The High Council will prepare a counter-offer, along less grandiose lines."

D'Tan smiled. "President Okeg expects as much. Your preliminary thoughts?"

"We know the Federation has been funnelling arms to the Valtothi rebels for months. Little harm in surrendering what they will shortly win in any case. The loss of the Thidasians and Yll-Toricans will hurt... but it is perhaps a price we must pay. Of the systems you mention... the Dialosa Corridor is out of the question, it would strangle our trade with a hundred non-aligned systems. And three major military bases? Why not ask for Ganalda also, or Qo'noS itself? Dasus Prime, possibly - the other two, never."

"And the summit conference?"

"The reptile may have his summit. Not Khitomer, though. The place is a magnet for assassins and fanatics, I swear they must breed in its crevices."

"Yes," said D'Tan quietly, "yes, I remember."

"Would you host it yourself? At New Romulus?"

"Gladly. Though security is still an issue, with the Tal Shiar and the Tholians...."

"I do not fear those. I will meet Okeg at your new capital. Perhaps I will have answers for him by then - I have despatched an agent to seek out this Klur and wring the truth from him."

"I would not be in this Klur's shoes for any inducement," said D'Tan wryly. "Hunted both by Federation and Empire.... Your agent should probably contact the Starfleet officer investigating Bercera IV. Vice Admiral Shohl, I know her slightly from her work on Mol'Rihan." He smiled. "At one point, she gave a positive but ill-considered interview to the press, and became known as the Pirate Queen of the Vastam Peaks." His tone turned serious again. "Speaking of piracy -"

"There can be no moratorium on privateering. Too many of the peripheral Houses depend on it for income, now. To enforce the ban, I would have to commit too much of the KDF to internal police work. And to pronounce the ban and fail to enforce it would be fatal to my authority."

"It is a thorn in all our sides, though. Not just the Federation's.... It stifles legitimate trade."

"It cannot be helped, while we are at war. It is the Klingon way."

"And when the war ends?"

J'mpok shook his head. "I am bound up, in the minds of many, with this war," he said, heavily. "It is widely held that, when it ends, I end. And I tell you, I am not ready to end."

"A way might be found. And should."

"We will explore the ways at the summit conference. The reptile and I."

"As you wish." D'Tan paused for a moment, then said, "You may need to reconsider your position in regard to Aznetkur. The Federation Sixth Fleet is operating in that vicinity, under Admiral Gref. The Tellarites do not shrink from conflict even at the best of times, and this is not the best of times."

"We may lose Aznetkur in any case? I will consider that." J'mpok rose to his feet. "A feast has been arranged in your honour, with a traditional Klingon opera to follow. Can you tolerate it?"

D'Tan smiled. "For the sake of diplomacy, I will endure much."

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